Author: By Julia Simonsen
Sustainability Initiatives recently finished GSU’s first Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory. The Inventory is the culmination of months of data gathering that ultimately revealed the carbon footprint of GSU’s Atlanta campus. The data came from eight different operational departments across the university. GSU used the Sustainability Indicator Management & Analysis Platform (SIMAP) to convert all operational data, such as electricity consumed or gallons of fleet fuel purchased, into metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (Co2).
This first inventory is only partial and accounted for 72,787 metric tons Co2. Purchased electricity accounted for nearly 85% of all emissions. Other emission sources included fleet fuel, fertilizer, and solid waste management data. Future inventories will include data related to commuting, food purchasing decisions, and refrigerants.
To learn more about GSU’s emissions and greenhouse gases read the full report below.
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Annual Report FY 2023